Wednesday, September 08, 2010

My little Angel

These past 17 days have been the hardest in my life! I feel like I have to share my faith in god and the peace I've felt from it in order to keep recieving it. My heavenly father has brought me to my knees on several occasions since little zellie was born and it's been a rough struggle but through prayer, meditation, and self reflection I've seen myself under a new light. I am overwhelmed with emotions and tired of course but I have to thank a few people for the new "glasses".

First, my father in heaven and Jesus Christ. I felt so far away from home but they were always there.

Second, my husband. He the best husband and father to our baby. He wakes up with us, feeds her bottles of my milk when I'm too tired and spent, has changed more diapers than me, secrectly done my household duties for me when I'm resting, Cleaned the house the way I like it, and watched the entire delivery from a bad angle!!!!

My parents for loving me so much. My mother should be sainted like mother theresa!

My other parents, my in laws for snapping me out of the crazy lady and giving me confidence in myself again.

My church leaders for serving me.

My friends, where would I be without you all encouraging me?


Amber said...

You will soon adjust! I am sure you are a great mommy. I love hearing all your love for your hubby. BUT I need to see a picture of your sweet angel!

Melanie and Jared said...

It gets easier! And way more fun! Hang in there Daisy

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