I have been very busy with all the planning for our Italy trip in a couple of weeks. Most of the planning burden falls on me mainly for two reasons. One, I really love traveling and don't want to miss anything a place has to offer. Two, Micah hates reading! I really love to read. Books, Blogs, Magazines, Travel Books. You name it, I'll read it. I find it pretty ironic that Micah's parents love to read and he doesn't. My parents don't really read that much and but I do. My Dad loves to do word puzzles of any sort and so does Micah. Did we get put in the wrong families?
I got side tracked because of the reading thing but the reason I titled this post Dream Jobs is because...
I want to be Rick Steves!
I know, I know. He is a total nerd. But people love to read his books and watch his show. I am reading his book for a lot for my Italy info right now! I was talking to my friend Megan about this the other day and we were totally busting up about it because she completely agreed with me and admitted to watching his shows.
Some other jobs I would love are:
-Working when I want to (meaning no bakers hours) at Charm City Cakes or Carlo's Bakery (although I don't know if I have thick enough skin for Buddy and I've never worked with fondant before which is all they do it seems like!)
-Professional Organizer (I am neurotic and I am okay with that)
-Have a business making diaper cakes
-Be a travel guide for great people with lots of money who would pay for all my expenses and have loads of fun and good attitude the whole time
Micah's dream jobs would probably be very different than mine so here is a list of what I think his would be:
-finding the best surf spots and Surfing them
-Photographer (for some surf or travel magazine)
-Working with animals (at the zoo, aquarium, or some jungle, whatever)
-Be Bear Grills or the other dude
-Lead guitarist for an amazing rock band
-Paid to eat Peppermint Patties and/or Sees Candy's Bordeaux
-Chose the finalists for Americas Funniest Home Videos
That is what has been on my mind lately. Hooray for anyone who is doing what they really love for a living!
Fun post! I want to be a carpenter. I think it would be fun to make furniture. Maybe someday. . .
Ok so I have to ask you?!?!?! and you totally dont have to tell me but I have seen that you guys have traveled a lot. I LOVE to travel but it seems like we could never afford it!! How do you guys afford it? I want to go to somewhere like Italy sooo bad!!! Got any tips for us????
Yeah trips can get expensive. We don't own a house so I think that really makes a huge impact in spending abilities. But as far as managing it, we own an older car and never go on shopping sprees (sniffle). When we travel we don't do it lavishly. We stay in cheap, clean places with lots of character and only spend what we have. I guess you chose what your vise is. Some people chose clothes or cars or other hobbies- so I guess traveling is ours. But, there are some definite tricks to keeping it reasonable. I'll write a post about it.
Can you and I start our own travel tour business for the uber rich? THAT IS MY DREAM JOB TOO!!!
Also, why are you not in our book club, if you are so loving to read? email me about that :)
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